
We have begun to accept deposits for this year's litter which is planned for the fall of 2014. Leia should be ready for breeding in mid-July and we will be updating the site regularly to share her progress with you! Thanks for visiting us online.

Silver Labrador Info


Where did this SILVER color come from?   The silver color comes from the expression of a recessive coloration gene that chocolate Labs carry.  When a puppy inherits a recessive (silver) coloration gene from each of it’s parents, it’s color will be silver.  This coloration can occur in one of three ways:  from the breeding of two chocolate labs who both carry a recessive color gene, from the breeding of two silver labs, or from the breeding of a silver to a chocolate-silver-factored (a chocolate who carries the recessive silver gene).  This dominant/recessive relationship of coloration genes is similar to that of black-colored (dominant) and yellow-colored (recessive) Labradors.  The silver Labrador Retriever is no less purebred than a Labrador of any other color. 

Why the Silver Lab Controversy?  Every good thing faces opposition from time to time, and the Silver Labrador is no different.  New things often bring criticism from those who might not understand the situation.   An example from long ago parallels this situation: back in the early 1900's some people believed the yellow-colored Labrador retriever (which we now know is the expression of the black recessive gene) was not purebred.  The same criticism surfaced as chocolates became more common.  Logically, some experts propose that the yellows and chocolates had occasionally been born since the beginning of the breed, but were often euthanized because, although purebred, they were seen as flawed because of their unusual color.  With time and an understanding of genetics, people began to realize that the unique color was not a flaw, but a genetic expression of the breed’s variety.  This principle holds true for the Silver Lab as well.  Though some speak criticism, no one has ever been able to prove there would be any reason to doubt the Silver Lab being purebred.  In 1987, the AKC conducted an inquiry as to the Silver Lab and no representative from the examining parties found any reason to doubt that the silver puppies in the inquiry were purebred Labrador Retriever.  (To see the official statement regarding the AKC position on the issue of Silver Labs, and why they are registered as chocolates, please see www.dogbreedinfo.com/labradorakcsilver.htm). 

Why are Silvers registered as Chocolate?  Until 1997, the AKC registered silvers as silver, but after that point deemed that they should be registered as chocolate.  Their stated reasoning for this is because the Breed Standard defines Labrador Retriever colors ranging from “sedge” to “chocolate” as being labeled chocolate.  One must consider that the change in color labeling may have also been due to pressure from breeders who could not produce silvers and saw the Silver Lab as competition for their market.  But as pressure and criticism lessens, many believe that eventually silvers will once again be registered as silver.

Why do we love them?  Our Silver Labs are just as loving, intelligent, trainable and purebred as any other Labrador Retriever. 

Kern, Kerry V.  Labrador Retrievers.  2nd ed.  Hong Kong:  Barron's Educational Series, Inc, 1995.

Wiles-Fone, Heather, ed.  The Ultimate Labrador Retriever.  2nd ed.  New York:  Howell Book House, 2003.